
Identification number Subject Procurement method Date of publication Terms for submission of tenders Status
Identification numberPRO-2024/203 SubjectProvision of the Common Balancing Area transmission system balancing service Procurement methodOpen negotiated procedure in accordance with the Procurement Procedure Date of publication26.11.2024 Terms for submission of tenders13.12.2024 12:00 StatusEvaluation of tenders

The joint-stock company "Conexus Baltic Grid" announces an open negotiation procedure "Provision of the balancing service of the transmission system of the unified balancing zone", ID no. PRO-2024/203. Bidders can download the regulations here: Regulations

The offer shall be submitted electronically to the e-mails [email protected] and [email protected] by December 13, 2024 at 12:00 (Latvian time). Applicants may receive additional information regarding the procurement by contacting Juris Briedis, the leading procurement specialist of the Procurement Department of the joint-stock company "Conexus Baltic Grid", mobile tel. +371 26611222, e-mail: [email protected]

Applicants can receive additional information regarding the technical offer by contacting Mārcis Vārpa, head of the System Management Center of the joint-stock company "Conexus Baltic Grid", mobile tel. +371 29399342, e-mail: [email protected]

Identification numberPRO-2024/229 SubjectPurchase of a mobile steam generator Procurement methodOpen negotiated procedure in accordance with the Procurement Procedure Date of publication21.11.2024 Terms for submission of tenders19.12.2024 11:00 StatusEvaluation of tenders

Joint Stock Company (JSC) "Conexus Baltic Grid" organizes open negotiated procedure “Purchase of a mobile steam generator”, PRO-2024/229

The Applicant can download the regulations from Electronic Procurement System’s e-tenders subsystem, under the section of this negotiated procedure: .

The authorized representatives, who can provide information:

- with regard to the technical requirements (Technical specification) - Head of the Gas Field Service of Inčukalns underground gas storage  Kristaps Zvirgzdiņš, mob. +371 29377830, e-mail: [email protected];

- with regard to the procedure and the Terms of Reference - Leading Procurement Specialist of the Procurement Division of the Legal Department Imants Vulāns, mob. +371 29358268, e-mail: [email protected].