About gas transit to the Kaliningrad region in October 2024

In the period from 4 to 11 October 2024 or until the end of the repair works, reconstruction and repair works on the Minsk-Vilnius gas pipeline are planned, which will affect the operation of the Kotlovka entry and exit point and the transit of natural gas from Belarus via Lithuania to the Kaliningrad region.

During the planned repairs, natural gas supplies to the Kaliningrad region will be provided via the territory of Latvia, organised from the Izborsk gas metering station via Latvia and Lithuania.

It must be reeminded that Conexus Baltic Grid, as a unified transmission and storage system operator, ensures the availability of natural gas infrastructure for transportation and storage of gas owned by the trader. The transit of natural gas is permitted in accordance with the Energy Law and the Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System.
