Regulation (EC) 715/2009

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1 Sub-paragraph (a) of Annex I Section 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009  A detailed and comprehensive description of the different services offered and their charges

Transmission | Conexus

Storage | Conexus

2 Sub-paragraph (c)(2) of Annex I Section 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009, Article 16 of Regulation (EC) 2015/703 A specification of relevant gas quality parameters, including at least the gross calorific value and the Wobbe index
3 Sub-paragraph (c)(3) of Annex I Section 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Pressure requirements
4 Sub-paragraph (c)(4) of Annex I Section 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The procedure in the event of an interruption of interruptible capacity Transmission | Conexus
5 Sub-paragraph (c)of Annex I Section 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system, including the definition of key terms Matching procedures and technical information | Conexus
6 Sub-paragraph (e) of Annex I Section 3.1.2  of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Provisions on capacity allocation, congestion management and anti-hoarding and reutilisation procedures Transmission | Conexus
7 Sub-paragraph (f) of Annex I Section 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The rules applicable for capacity trade on the secondary market vis-à-vis the transmission system operator Transmission | Conexus
8 Sub-paragraph (i) of Annex I Section 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 A detailed description of the gas system of the transmission system operator and its relevant points of interconnection as well as the names of the operators of the interconnected systems or facilities
9 Sub-paragraph (j) of Annex I Section 3.1.2  of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The rules applicable for connection to the system operated by the transmission system operator
10 Sub-paragraph (f) of Annex I Section 3.1.2 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Principles to calculate technical capacity
11 Sub-paragraph (1) (a) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The technical capacity for flows
12 Sub-paragraph (1) (b) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The total contracted firm and interruptible capacity in both directions
13 Sub-paragraph (1) (c) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The nominations un renominations
14 Sub-paragraph (1) (d) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The available firm and interruptible capacity
15 Sub-paragraph (1) (e) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Actual physical flows
16 Sub-paragraph (1) (f) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Planned and actual interruption of interruptible capacity UMM platform 
17 Sub-paragraph (1) (g) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Planned and unplanned interruptions to firm services as well as the information on restoration of the firm services (in particular, maintenance of the system and the likely duration of any interruption due to maintenance) UMM platform (, conexus,  AGSI+
18 Sub-paragraph (1) (j) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Unavailable firm capacity as a result of congestion-managment
19 Sub-paragraph (1) (k) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Total capacity made available through the application of the congestion-management procedures
20 Sub-paragraph (5) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 For all relevant points available capacities, booked and technical capacities, on an annual basis over all years where capacity is contracted plus 1 year, and at least for the next 10 years
21 Sub-paragraph (1), (2) of Annex I Section 3.4 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 The publication on a daily basis and updated every day the aggregated amounts of capacities offered, and contracted on the secondary market (i.e. sold from one network user to another network user), where the information is available to the TSO Transmission | Conexus
22 Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System The trading platforms that offers implicit capacity allocation, identification
23 Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System Information on within-day and day-ahead capacity allocated to the trading platform by means of implicit capacity allocation method
24 Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System Schedule of works to be performed at the transmission system with indication of transmission system construction, reconstruction, and maintenance works planned for the current year, which may affect the rights of the network users
25 Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System Planned gas network maintenance, repair, connection or disconnection works at transmission system of common balancing zone, indicating works during which gas transmission shall be terminated or restricted
26 Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System Suspension or restriction of the Natural Gas transmission  UMM platform (, conexus,  AGSI+
27 Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System Procedures, document forms and other requirements laid down for the fulfilment of the duties provided for the fulfilment of the obligations provided for within the framework of the Common Regulations for the Use of Natural Gas Transmission System Transmission | Conexus
28  LIO - Energy Identification Code (EIC)  issuing office managment Information about LIO - Energy Identification Codes (EIC)
29 Sub-paragraph (1) (h) of Annex I Section 3.3 of Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Information about occurrence of unsuccessful, legally valid requests for firm capacity products with a duration of one month or longer including the number and volume of the unsuccessful requests -