Fees for using the guarantee of origin registry

For the purpose of issuing and circulating guarantees of origin, Conexus administers the Latvian gas guarantee of origin registry and charges the fees indicated below.
The account holder shall pay a fee of EUR 500 (five hundred euro) per calendar year excluding VAT for the use of the guarantee of origin registry, which shall include 50 000 (fifty thousand) registry activities per calendar year.

If the account holder exceeds the agreed number of registry operations within a calendar year, the account holder shall pay a subsequent fee for each further registry operation until the end of the calendar year for the number of services used as follows:

Activity in the registry Fee* 
Issuing 0.005 EUR/MWh
Cancellation There is no fee charged
Import 0.0025 EUR/MWh
Export There is no fee charged
Transfers between other accounts in Latvia or transfer to own sub-accounts There is no fee charged

* Fees are shown excluding VAT 

Fee methodology available (here)

The Guarantee of Origin registry user shall pay for the Guarantee of Origin registry service in a calendar year within 10 calendar days from the issue date of the invoice. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or national holiday of the country where the TSO has its registered office, the final date of the deadline of invoice payment shall be the following business day.